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{sv=Plattformen - Så fungerar den SE sv, id: 135056307329, slug: sv/sa-fungerar-den}

Stop searching, start leading

A modern quality management solution for efficient information management

Our mission is simple - we help our customers create order from information chaos. This results in lower costs, reduced risk, and decreased information stress for employees.

Centuri is built on 25 years of knowledge and experience. Experience that enables us to understand what creates value and what is important to focus on. The outcome is six focus areas that guides all of our development.

We prioritize operational workflows, stick to what we excel at, and create comprehensive solutions that bring value to you as a customer. You can learn more about our various features below.

Our focus areas

User friendliness

Less need for training, more intuitive and platform-independent

Personalized information

Intelligent search, metadata driven, tailored to different behaviors

Efficient workflows

Intelligent process support, condition-driven forms and flows

Easily integrated

Automated transfers between systems, publishing where it is relevant

Configurable and flexible

Evolve over time, without any technical development, and with quick turnaround times

Security and Privacy

Secure storage, authentication and permissions, GDPR compliance, and secure lifecycle

Our functions

Process visualisation

Visualisation of the business from all perspectives - processes, organisation, requirements, RASCI etc

Risk management

Risk management with PDCA support. From proactive risk mapping to actions and feedback.

Document management

Comprehensive process support for efficient production, intelligent search and full lifecycle management

Case management

Executable processes for everything from delivery controls to customer support. And deviations, internal audits, change management and lots other workflows.

Contract management

Full control of all contracts - counterparts, T&C, terminations etc. Strict authorizations and classification of individual documents. And connection to e-signing solutions.

Competence management

Ensures competencies and authorizations and provides an overview of the organization's skills gaps. Manages delegations and assignments.