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Weak information management is costing millions

Do you have control over your information management costs

Our information society is spinning faster and, in line with developments, the amount of information that companies need to manage daily is also increasing. There are several reasons for this constantly growing information overload.
  • Increased information volumes
  • More and more systems
  • Lack of lifecycle management
  • Increased organizational complexity
Calculate your costs.

How much time and money do you waste searching for information?

Studies show that office workers spend 44% of their time on administration and 30% on information searching. Try our calculator and discover how much you can save through more efficient information management.

? ?
? ?
? ?
% collective employees
% office workers

This is how much you waste per year

Hours/year Amount/year
Collective employees
(your provided figures)
100 €87
Office workers
(calculation of total administration)
100 €87
Total 925000 €20368

This is how much you can save with Centuri

? ?
Hours/year Amount/year
100 €87

Increasing information volumes

The volume of information is increasing by nearly 100% each year. According to IDC, knowledge workers spend one-third of their working time searching for and quality assuring information.

Many organizations still rely on file sharing on networks, and even though they have transitioned to cloud solutions for storage, the challenges of duplicate files, uncertainty about whether the version they have is the latest, and a general feeling of not knowing where to store or find specific information often persist.

With the increasing volume of information and the growing array of different systems, the result is a heightened sense of information stress and a perception that it takes 70% longer to find the right information compared to three years ago.

In total, knowledge workers spend over 40% of their working time on administration, and 46% of respondents at the management level believed that their ability to plan, forecast, and budget was hindered due to a lack of information overview.

Need for enhanced security

According to IDC's survey, 55% of IT managers also reported that their companies had experienced information leaks in the past year. Additionally, data from Gartner revealed that 46% of employees have shared sensitive documents through personal file sharing accounts. As remote work continues to increase, the challenges surrounding information security also grow.


Calculate your costs

We have developed a simple calculator so that you can determine the amount you lose each year due to poor information management and the potential of implementing Centuri.

Download calculator